Parenting Behind the Screen
I just finished all of the following: attending ISTE, meeting and reconnecting with lots of awesome people, and reading Carl Hooker’s book Mobile Learning Mindset: The Parent’s Guide to Supporting Digital Age Learners. All of these were great experiences, but right now I’m going to reflect on the book. As I’m sitting on the airplane, I literally started this book when we took off, and now the pilot just told us we’re landing in 30 minutes (San Antonio to Chicago), so it’s a quick, easy read. However in under 120 pages, he hits on some extremely vexing problems, including everything from screen time, to reading your child’s text messages, whether or not to take away the phone, and digital wellness. After consolidating our life into less and less rooms, as children have required more and more space, my husband and I have parted ways with many books and adopted a pretty strict “no purchasing books” policy, particularly if 1) it can be found at the library, 2) it’s a very difficult-to...