Switchboard Operator
Last week was the first week that I felt like I was actually doing the entirety of my job, because up until now I’d been doing all the other parts except going out to teachers’ classrooms to work with them. I’d previously spent the entire last three weeks scheduling the 55 teachers I am lucky enough to collaborate with on a monthly basis. I am supposed to be in their room when students are there for 30 min and ideally back it up to a one-on-one setting with the teacher during a non-student time, which is a lot to manage to collaborate when also considering the 1-5 other teachers I need to see at that school and trying to minimize driving. Anyway, after much shuffling and coordinating, I got it set up and I finally started to get out to room last week. Having been in about 20 classrooms in that time, I’m starting to realize a few things. We have fantastic teachers in our district! Our kids are so lucky :-) Teachers will never truly know all the amazing things they do with stud...